Hieu Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen is vice president at The Reis Group and leverages his healthcare communications experience to help clients achieve their strategic communications and business goals. His analytical prowess and industry insight allow him to identify and use current events and intersecting opportunities for his clients’ benefit.
Media Relations Fundamentals
March 7, 2017
Even in today’s unprecedented news environment, media relations is still about the fundamentals. Since January 20 (and arguably since November 8), it’s been impossible to predict the topic du jour of the news cycle because of what’s been coming out of Washington, D.C. This uncertainty has some health care communicators wondering how best to approach […]
MACRA | Another Step in Reforming Care Delivery
October 17, 2016
On Friday, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the much-anticipated final rule on the Quality Payment Program (QPP), which is part of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 – better known as MACRA. This rule is 2,200 pages (a length that surprises no one familiar with CMS rules) and […]