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Sharon Reis

Sharon Reis, principal, counsels clients on how to position their organizations, elevate their reputations and increase awareness of their issues through messaging, media, and issues management.

After Covid-19, Will Americans Still Struggle to Make Health and Well-Being a Priority?

July 8, 2020
This blog also appeared on PRSA-NCC. COVID-19 has exploded the healthcare system. But sometime in the future, Americans will return to “normal” and once again will concentrate on the basics of staying healthy in their everyday lives. The coronavirus has revealed how vulnerable so many of us are because of underlying conditions. Two years ago, […]

A Formative Four Years

June 15, 2020
It’s hard for me to believe that we are already celebrating the fourth anniversary of the founding of The Reis Group.  As I thought about this milestone and about my original vision to create a health care public relations agency with the best possible work culture, I was wonderfully gratified to get the news that […]

Growth Spurt. Excitement at Age 3

June 12, 2019
When we started our adventure three years ago, we felt the thrill of the new: a new name, new logo, new offices, new furniture, new benefits, new opportunities. And even new coffee shops and fresh new lunch options in our spiffy new Dupont Circle home. As we celebrate our third anniversary today, we are filled […]

What will 2019 look like for health care PR?

January 17, 2019
In looking toward the year ahead, there are many ways—known and unknown—that the public relations world will be changing and evolving. As health care PR professionals, it’s vital to the success of our clients that we find new ways to overcome challenges and stay on top of the important trends in our field. Here are […]

What Can PR Pros Expect in 2018?

January 16, 2018
To learn more about how the changing national political environment is affecting workloads and to understand how communications experts are preparing for 2018, The Reis Group surveyed members of the Public Relations Society of America, and we are eager to share what we found. 2017 emerged as the year when communications professionals were asked to […]

How to Build Effective Coalitions That Advance Your Health Care Cause

July 25, 2017
Whether you are promoting new scientific findings, advocating for a profession, advancing legislation or trying to change behavior, it takes a group of people working together to have a sustained influence. But finding ways to effectively collaborate as a team can be challenging. As Henry Ford said, “Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; […]

Marking Our One-Year Anniversary

June 1, 2017
I am both thrilled and humbled as The Reis Group marks its one-year anniversary of charting a new course in pursuit of the highest level of communications expertise in health, health care, science, and social issues. The energy of our team, our new office, our clients and their issues, our partners and their support, have […]

New Challenges for Health Care PR in 2017

January 26, 2017
2016 was a year of unprecedented change for our industry, with high-stakes battles over the Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid, culminating in a watershed presidential election. And, if the first few weeks of 2017 are any predictor, health care communications is heading into another turbulent, exciting, and pivotal period. To keep up with the […]


December 16, 2016
Introducing yourself in a meeting seems easy enough. Then why do so many people fail to make the most of it, and sometimes even leave a bad impression? Some people talk incessantly about all their experience and accomplishments in what ends up putting off rather than impressing their listeners. Others give only the bare minimum, […]

Broadcast Prep: Getting Your Organization Ready

August 17, 2016
Recently, our firm had the privilege of working with some high-profile scientific clients to film two ambitious documentaries and a substantial evening broadcast feature story. Doing so reminded me just how much preparation goes into these earned media story formats and how much time the client needs to allocate before the film crew, producers and […]