Our Take
Want to get to know us better? Read our passionate perspectives on the latest communications trends, health care issues, workplace challenges and life goals.
How PR Can Make a Meaningful Public Health Impact
May 9, 2023
Everyone has their own unique career journey. As a recent grad who just last year received my master’s in Public Health, I may not be the typical person you might think would be working at a PR agency. Public health is an incredibly broad field – some of my colleagues are tracking infectious diseases or […]
Bridge To Success: Enhancing Media Outreach by Building Connections
April 13, 2023
We come across bridges in our everyday lives, and rarely think about them; that was me, until I started working in public relations. Now, every time I see one, I think of how it relates to our work in media outreach. As public relations professionals, we are often tasked with elevating the reputations of our […]
Nourishing your Social Media Campaigns
March 23, 2023
Your organization has worked hard and just finished preparing new resources, and you are excited for your audience to begin using them. You’ve posted all the new material on your website, but when you check your traffic, you don’t see the spike in page visits that you were expecting. It turns out that most of […]
Banishing the Wooden Lead: Three Ways to Make PR Writing More Engaging
March 2, 2023
One of the worst sins when I was in journalism school was to write a “wooden lead.” The grizzled—or should I say seasoned—editors who taught newswriting and editing at the University of Oklahoma would scowl at empty words at the top of a news story, crossing out one, two or even three dull opening paragraphs, […]
Health care PR: What’s the landscape for 2023?
February 17, 2023
As the new year unfolds and the pandemic is no longer dominating our lives, we are excited to see what unexpected developments the future brings. Working in health care public relations, we are often charged with communicating complex health care messages in a rapidly changing—and sometimes volatile—environment. We must constantly adapt to these unpredictable dynamics […]
Communications Solutions to 2023 Advocacy Challenges
February 8, 2023
As a public relations agency serving medical societies, foundations and health care leaders, The Reis Group often helps clients with earned media and thought-leadership strategies to support their national and state-level advocacy goals. And, for me, having spent the better part of my career at the nexus of communications and policy, I love tackling these […]
Promoting Science: How to Get the Media to Cover Research
January 19, 2023
As a communications firm dedicated to health and medicine, promoting science is a major pillar of our work. Over years on The Reis Group team, I have worked to generate national media coverage for dozens of journal articles and scientific abstracts. My background includes a master’s degree in public health, which taught me the importance […]
Executive Thought Leadership: An Important Investment for 2023
January 13, 2023
You are reading through your morning news when a story piques your interest about how to tell whether respiratory symptoms signal COVID-19 or the flu or RSV. You begin to read the article in more detail and notice that a physician from another health system is quoted as the main expert in the article. You […]
Creating an Inclusive Workplace
October 11, 2022
As the director of human resources, it’s my job to ensure that our workplace culture is open, inclusive, welcoming, and safe. As a boutique health care PR agency, every new hire brings new energy and perspectives to the team and influences the team dynamic. With several new hires joining this summer, I sought to beef […]
Calm in the Storm: Five Tips to Stay Cool in Crisis Communications
September 21, 2022
Calm in the Storm: Five Tips to Stay Cool in Crisis Communications By the nature of our jobs, health care public relations agencies are often called on to provide communications counsel and identify how to act during a crisis. We’re also expected to remain calm under pressure. But that isn’t easy – especially when a […]